Monday, May 9, 2016

An indian citizen has been arested from UK with fake Portuguese pasport

A extradited suspect the United Kingdom as part of operation "Magic Book", in which the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) investigates a criminal organization dedicated to the fraudulent acquisition of Portuguese nationality for allegedly born indostânicos citizens in the former Portuguese India (Goa, Daman and Diu), was held in preventive detention.

The citizen was arrested in Leicester, on December 2, 2015, during a house search operation conducted in the UK under a rogatory letter, which was attended by inspectors of the SEF.

The investigation of the SEF held under the guidance of DIAP Lisbon and allowed dismantle a criminal organization that, upon receipt of large monetary amounts, which could reach 30 thousand euros, falsified documents to achieve the granting of Portuguese nationality to foreign nationals or via assignment original (in some cases posthumously) as via the transcription of marriages.

It followed the course of extradition proceedings that led to the suspect's transfer to Portugal, where he was present at the investigating judge who decided to apply to it the coercive measure of preventive detention.

They are in custody at present, four of the accused, with seven other defendants subject to other enforcement measures not involving deprivation of liberty

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