Saturday, April 4, 2020

Australia should follow Portugal and treat Migrants as residents.

Australia is being called on to closely consider Portugal's approach to supporting migrants during the coronavirus outbreak.
The European nation has decided migrants will be treated as permanent residents until at least 1 July to ensure they have access to public services.
Refugee Council of Australia Chief Executive Paul Power told SBS News the model recognises the pressing needs of temporary migrants amid the health crisis.“During the life of this pandemic the situation.
Under the Portuguese model, applicants, including asylum seekers, would only need to provide evidence of an ongoing request to qualify for public services. 
This means they would be granted access to the national health service, welfare benefits, bank accounts and work and rental contracts. 
Portugal's Internal Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Claudia Velosa told Reuters migrants should not be deprived of their rights in the pandemic.
“In these exceptional times, the rights of migrants must be guaranteed,” she said.  
But in Australia, concerns have been raised that more than 1.1 million temporary workers could be ineligible for almost all welfare measures. 
This group includes international students, working holidaymakers, as well as those on bridging, temporary protection and safe haven visas. 
With the exemption of some New Zealand nationals, temporary migrants have been excluded from most coronavirus welfare assistance responses.changed,” he said.  
“We all know that the virus doesn’t discriminate on the basis of people’s citizenship or permanent residency or the nature of their visa.”
   Source SBS news

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