Sunday, July 31, 2016

Unemployment rate at seven-year low in Portugal

Latest figures out have revealed that dole queues were at the shortest in seven years in June.

According to Portugal Statistics, unemployment last month fell to 11.2 percent, which is the lowest the figure has been since August 2009.

The drop of almost one percent in relation to June 2015 was immediately used by the government, who argued these numbers prove that economic recovery is well underway in Portugal.

Minister Augusto Santos Silva said the jobless rate is lower than the government had forecast and that it would therefore have a positive effect on the current state budget.

Friday, July 29, 2016

GNR police have seized more than two tons of the drug hashish in Tavira

GNR police have seized more than two tons of the drug hashish from a boat and a van during the early hours of this morning in Cabanas de Tavira (eastern Algarve).
According to a spokesperson for the GNR’s coast patrol unit, the operation was launched yesterday evening and the Spanish-registered boat and van were intercepted at around 1am.

A 46-year-old Spanish citizen has been arrested in connection with the haul. Two or three other suspects managed to run off.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The airport at Funchal, Madeira has been renamed to Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport.

Welcome to Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport'

The airport at Funchal, Madeira has been renamed after one of its most famous sons, and will from now on be known as the Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport.
The decision to change the name of the airport on the island was taken by the Regional Government at a council meeting and was made to show Madeira’s appreciation to the Portuguese international footballer for raising the profile of the region.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

London police make more arrests in murder of Portuguese man Quaresma


British detectives investigating the murder of Portuguese national Bradley Quaresma in Stratford have made a third arrest.A man aged in is early 20s was arrested on suspicion of murder on Friday, 22 July, and is currently in custody at an east London police station, the Metropolitan Police said in a statement sent to The Portugal News.

Police were called at around 15:15 on Thursday, 21 July, to reports of a 21-year-old man stabbed at the West Ham Lane Recreation Ground.Officers and London's Air Ambulance attended the location, but the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.Formal identification has now taken place and the man has been named by detectives as Bradley Dos Reis Pais Quaresma, 20 of east London. He was a Portuguese national. Next of kin are aware of his death.

A post mortem examination held on Friday, 22 July, at East Ham mortuary gave cause of death as stab injuries.In a statement, Bradley’s family said: “Bradley was a very friendly person. He was always keen to help others and the happiest person we have ever met. A smart guy with a big heart.”Detectives from the Homicide and Major Crime Command are investigating.

Detective Chief Inspector Gary Holmes, who is leading the investigation, said: “Bradley had his whole life ahead of him, and his death was both tragic and violent."Whilst we have made a number of arrests we are still continuing to appeal for information.“We know that the park was very busy at the time with families and children playing and we are keen to hear from anyone who will be able to help us piece together what happened prior to Bradley being attacked.

“We continue to retain an open mind as regards any motive and it would not be prudent to speculate on that at this time.Anyone who can assist detectives is urged to contact the incident room on 020 8345 1570. To give information anonymously Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111 or at

Two males, aged 16 and17 were arrested near the scene on suspicion of murder.They have been bailed to return, pending further enquiries.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Portugal police save 11 migrants trying to cross from Turkey to Kos,Greece.

Portugal police save 11 migrants trying to cross from Turkey to Kos

The Portuguese militarised police rescued 11 migrants from the Aegean Sea on Tuesday as part of the European Frontex operation in Greece.
A communiqué issued on Wednesday said that the coastal patrol detected and rescued the men on the early hours of Tuesday morning from a rubber dinghy close to the Greek island of Kos.

"The Portuguese officers found the men using thermal imaging at a time when they were all in the water". "The migrants were all saved and are uninjured", the police added.

The dinghy was trying to cross from Turkey to the island of Kos to reach Europe.

Some 32 Portuguese GNR police officers have been participating in the Frontex mission in Greece to protect the European external borders since 1 April.

The operation’s main purpose is to prevent and detect illegal immigration, human trafficking and drugs trafficking and to help to save human lives at sea.

The Portuguese have already saved or rescued 495 migrants.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Baggage handlers arrested at Lisbon airport for theft

Baggage handlers arrested at Lisbon airport for theft

Several baggage handling employees at Lisbon airport were arrested on Friday by the police for theft from luggage in aircraft holds.
The Lisbon police force said that the operation, which began on Thursday, netted several airport workers and two others who did not work in the airport.

The police said the suspects “repeatedly and discretely stole objects that were easily accessible in the luggage in the planes’ holds and that could be hidden before being removed from the restricted areas of the airport.

The police said the favour items that were stolen were electronic equipment, jewellery, watches, glasses and cash.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Portugal in top ten cheapest places in Europe to buy a house

Portugal in top ten cheapest places in Europe to buy a property


Portugal is among the ten cheapest countries in Europe to buy a house, with an average price per square metre of 1,963 euros in 2015 for top-end real estate.

According to a study by the Portuguese association of real estate agents, the most expensive place to buy a European home is Monaco at just under 45,000 euros a square metre and the United Kingdom at 25,575 euros.

The study is based on the average price per square metre of properties measuring around 120 square metres, located in the centre of main European cities and capitals of each country.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Portugal won title of Euro cup 2016 with out Ronaldo!!!

Eder, to 109 minutes , scored which perpetuates the first title in the history of the national team
The national team won the first title of its history, beating France 1-0 after extra time in the final of Euro 2016. Eder, to 109 minutes , he scored down the "black beast" of selection and that makes Portugal the new and unprecedented European champion

Ronaldo hotel Pestana CR7 was inaugurated last Friday

‘Ronaldo hotel’ opens in Madeira

A chain of Pestana hotels, in part thought up by Portuguese star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, are to open in Europe and the US, the first of which was inaugurated last week in Ronaldo’s homeland, the island of Madeira.
The first Pestana CR7 hotel was inaugurated last Friday in Funchal.Dionísio Pestana, founder and CEO of the Pestana group, revealed it was Ronaldo who came up with the idea.

Speaking to Spanish newspaper El País, the South-African born Portuguese entrepreneur explained: “We wanted a hotel in Madrid, but we didn’t know exactly how, so we spoke to someone who knows the city and is Portuguese, Cristiano Ronaldo. “It was he who proposed linking his image to a hotel unit in Madrid.”

However, it was in Madeira that the first CR7 unit was inaugurated, because, according to Pestana, “it was easier to find a good spot.”

Comprising artificial grass flooring along the corridors and in the 49 rooms, prices at the Pestana CR7 reportedly range from €180 a night to €565 for a luxury suite.
A second CR7 hotel is due to open in Lisbon in September, followed by units in Madrid and New York. 
Dionísio Pestana stresses that the hotels are not dedicated to Ronaldo, but to sport, and adds they are aimed at younger patrons who came of age this century, as “there is no better image for that generation. Ronaldo is a living brand.”

Addressing the Pestana-Ronaldo partnership, he jokes, “We make the beds and he scores the goals.”

Saturday, July 9, 2016

SEF legalized outside the law thousands of immigrants,who claimed to be working in Portugal

The former director of the SEF exempted from entry visa, required by law, immigrants who claimed to be working in Portugal

The Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) authorized in 2015 the regularization of thousands of illegal immigrants - can reach five thousand, but the SEF is still to establish the right number - via an internal order which violated the law in force. The former national director Antonio Beça Pereira, a judge-judge appointed by the government PSD / CDS, decided to exempt the visa in Portugal or in the Schengen space required in the Aliens Act, immigrants proved to be working in our country for more than a year. This highly irregular measure caused a wave of illegal immigration towards Portugal. This year, according to official SEF data were received 12,200 residence permit applications (more than double the previous year), much of the hand of criminal networks have taken advantage of the unique opportunity in Europe to legalize their " victims "through simulated work contracts, then explore.

John Adams, the CDS leader and former Secretary of State for Internal Affairs who patronized the SEF that time, guaranteed not to have been told by your former director of the decision. "I had no knowledge of any order, direction or instruction to that effect. The law is clear in this matter and there is no reason to be applied differently," he says. Did not, however, share his opinion about a police service could be breaking the law for at least one year, involving leaders and officials who instructed the processes outside the regulations. "I will not speculate," merely react.
At issue is Article 88, paragraph 2, of the Aliens Act, which exceptionally allows the granting of residence permits to immigrants integrated into the labor market. Once found the scandal that had inherited, the current Director of SEF, who took office earlier this year, issued an order (in March) to "restore legality," as confirmed to DN this security service. "The legal entry requirement was desaplicado during the year 2015", is recognized. That is, what the legislature sought to avoid by imposing the visa, which was, according explains the SEF, "that Portugal was only and only used as a settlement platform of foreign nationals who actually live and work in other EU countries "I was flatly ignored by the magistrate who led those police.

The big problem is that the more than 12,000 applications that had been admitted in the past year have been committed outside the law, more than half of them, you know the DN, and most of these immigrants already or is in Portugal. The SEF did not provide certain number of authorizations granted without a visa, but are being evaluated security issues. There will be at this point in analysis about four thousand applications. Most of these immigrants are from Hindustan origin (India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) considered risk nationalities. Shops phones, restaurants, mini-markets, whose boom has been visible, may be being used as the basis for false contracts.

"If any of these people engage in a terrorist attack or a violent crime in Europe, that explanation will give Portugal its partners of whether that person has a residence permit outside the law?" Said a police source who DN reported the situation.

The SEF devalues ​​this risk and claims that "controls and monitors the permanence and activity of foreign citizens, with a view not only safety, but also to confirm the effective labor relations." No answer was informed European partners or whether to revoke residence permits granted outside the law. Still admits reevaluate a case, "all situations are likely to be considered in place of renewal residence permit a fair and balanced way," he says.
The order of the current director of the SEF, Luísa Maia Gonçalves, has been the subject of contestation of immigrant associations (see interview) and the Left Bloc (BE) who had applauded the extraordinary regularization facilitated by the former director. "This order prevents the overwhelming majority of immigrants to complete their processes, even if they have been admitted to the same, as it imposes retroactivity. Most there is already here working for many years but did not enter legally and can not be back in time ", sustains bloquista Mrs Sandra Cunha.

But the SEF, which is particularly concerned with criminal networks and responsibility in the security of the country and Europe, says "is unfounded the impossibility of regularization of foreign citizens who have often been public." Since the order of march, were regularized within the law, "more than 900 foreign citizens", based on this article. And since 2007, a total of 80,000 immigrants also received their titles in compliance with the rules of this law. "What actually became more difficult was the regularization of citizens living illegally in other Schengen countries and were brought to Portugal by criminal networks just to obtain a residence permit, a problem that since the beginning of the legislature always intended to avoid. When while these people are exploited by these networks based fund-hand labor and illegal trafficking in virtual slavery conditions. "

The SEF stresses, however, that taking into account "the expectations created" in 2015, relied on by the immigrant associations, the national director did, earlier this month, on the fourth day (one day after the demonstration of immigrants), a new order to say that all cases whom residence permits were rejected, since March, the exclusive lack of visa reason, "can be, by way of exception, subject to case by case review, with exemption from that requirement."

Could not contact Beça Pereira, whose phone was off. His deputies former national directors, senior management of the SEF, also declined to comment. Luis Gouveia claimed to be "on vacation in Italy" and Francisco Van der Kellen sent explanations to the current direction.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

SEF arrested 2 Nepalese citizens and 23 Nepalese workers from Santerem and Lisbon

The Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), within the competence in the field of criminal investigation, launched this morning, the POKHARA operation in order to meet three arrest warrants, two house search warrants and two search warrants in the company.

During the operation, which took place in Lisbon and Almeirim, were arrested three men - a national citizen, 40 years and two foreigners, 32 and 29 - and seized evidence supporting the illicit activity that was being carried out by the defendants - documents , computers and money. a firearm was also seized.

The two foreigners arrested were preparing to leave the country, having already purchased tickets to the effect.

POKHARA The operation also led to the rescue of 23 foreign workers from a farm located in Santarém region, where they worked and were housed in very poor and grossly degrading conditions. Following the operation, this group of 23 individuals was driven to a safe place, duly accompanied by members of the Association for Family Planning, who supported the action of the SEF.

The investigation resulted from a surveillance work that was done by the SEF in close coordination with the Authority for Working Conditions, in order to verify the legality of the employment relationship of workers involved in the harvesting of strawberries in greenhouses Almeirim region.

Having been strong criminal practice of evidence constados, especially the trafficking of people for purposes of labor exploitation, aiding illegal immigration and raising hand labor illegal, the facts were reported to prosecutors, who opened an inquiry initiating the investigation. At issue is the role of the workers' boss and his assistant, who through a sole company based in Lisbon, hired and provided foreign workers to farms.During the investigation it was found that workers signed employment contracts written in Portuguese, a language unfamiliar, whose terms were not met, in particular with regard to pay.

In fact, the power that each worker received was provided to you by discounting at maturity, consisting only of products: pasta, potatoes, onions and rice.

However, workers found themselves housed in three small rooms of a building with no minimum conditions of safety and hygiene, and no windows and floors, each consisting of a living room and kitchen, and a narrow room where about seven people slept in bunk beds type.

The 23 foreigners had access to only a single bathroom, no running water. None of these spaces had electricity. The accommodation was also deducted from the salary, which was thus substantially reduced.

In addition to the bad housing conditions, the meager salary and the discounts they were charged, the accommodation and food, foreigners were still deluded with information that if they could settle with the SEF.

The 23 workers were flagged as victims of trafficking in human beings and gathered in shelters and protection, provided by the Multidisciplinary Team Specialized - SOS Trafficking in Human Beings of Lisbon, the Association for Family Planning.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Unions said SEF needs more 400 employees

To solve the delays residence permit granting process and issuing the respective card, they would take the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) "at least another 200 administrative employees" and as many inspectors. The accounts have been advanced to the two PUBLIC sector unions in the day that the PIC - Platform Immigration and Citizenship organized in Lisbon a protest "against the blockade of the legalization process."
Unions paint a bleak picture in terms of human resources in what is the service responsible for controlling the movement of persons across borders and permanence of people in the country. With about 1,200 employees, of which 726 are inspectors and administrative remaining, the SEF has been struggling "with a growing service stream" at a time when "considering all the Portuguese coast, not even give an inspector per kilometer of coast, "as illustrated Acacio Pereira, the Research Career Union and Monitoring of the SEF, which indicates 2004 as the year in which they were last employed inspectors. In May, the Parliament, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Constance Sousa Urban, acknowledged the shortcomings and said that in June, would enter the SEF 45 new inspectors. "They are trainees, who were being trained and will take time to be able to do their job. And, moreover, all that is below a thousand inspectors not enough to guarantee the work with a minimum of reasonableness, "counteracts Acacio Pereira.
The procedural side, the scenario does not improve much: the president of the Union of SEF officials, Manuela Nice, highlights the need for the service to be provided with "at least another 200 employees by the summer of next year", otherwise the processes continue to accumulate. "Right now, we have delays [in the process] arriving at nine months - although I think that the national average does not exceed six months - with all that this implies for those who remain illegally in the country", he said.

In the accounts of Nice, "came out in the last two years from 60 to 80 employees" and in 25 places open but under mobility in the civil service, were only four people. "The scenario will worsen in September, when" 15 to 20 employees who had six months ago its application for mobility should go away. "

Manuela Nice says there are more employees want to leave the SEF than in because the working conditions deteriorated. "These employees, who are not police the area and were included in the civil service tout court, work with sensitive materials and leading role in matters of national security. It is a great responsibility, that does not match a specific career. At this point, we have people to exercise senior technical functions for decades and continue to be recognized only as technical assistants. Now it can work in another state body, with half of the responsibility and stress and with the same counterparts, there are naturally more and more people to want to leave, "he warns. And remember that "are takes years to form a person capable of responding swiftly and rigorously" to requests that the service imposes.

Immigrants protest in Lisbon against rules established by the Foreigners and Borders Service SEF

For many Portuguese, the sun Sunday was an invitation to go to the beach. But for hundreds of people living in Lisbon, especially immigrants, it was a day of going out against the changes made by an order of March of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), which accuse restricts the possibility of legalization. Some of those who participated in the protest explained antagonism: take to the streets because they feel hidden in the shade.

The meeting point for the action called by the Platform Immigration and Citizenship (PIC) was the square Martim Moniz, "the most international city square" in the center of Lisbon. Glimpsed up banners and posters. One, painted blue and yellow, the colors of the EU flag, called for a "no fortress Europe". "Immigrants in Portugal, equal citizen", "Expulsion is not the solution", "No one is illegal", they completed those who were joining groups.

It was there that we found Jianchu Yin, a Chinese national. With three children, 15, 10 and 2 years, Yin is waiting for documents to legalize their residence in Portugal for more than six years. That was what he explained in a limited Portuguese, who was trying to circumvent pointing to a poster carrying the neck with a photograph of three children and the woman.

"They want more and more papers, more papers and always say they just need a little bit more," counted. He told us then to talk to the middle child, who was sitting on the wall while the group was still to join. But also the middle child could not explain what is missing. Moreover, does not understand why it is still seen as "illegal", despite having so many years in Portugal how those he was in China, where he was born.

As he spoke, he shrugged and stared at the floor. Yin also asked him to explain to us that "to discounts for social security", while showing us their Social Security number. Every month, he insisted, deducts part of their salary. From

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Algarve farmers oranges are being stolen

Algarve orange farmers complain of thefts

A number of orange growers in the Eastern and Central Algarve are complaining that their oranges are being stolen.
The farmers suspect the stolen fruit is being clandestinely sold on, and warn that much of the fruit is currently affected by pesticides. Producers in Vila Real de Santo António, Castro Marim, Tavira and Silves have all reported thefts and claim to have lost thousands of euros in the space of a week.

Friday, July 1, 2016

SEF announced New model of Portuguese passport will starts from 2017

New Portuguese passport in 2017

From the start of 2017, Portuguese citizens will be able to apply for a new model of electronic passport with additional security features, the country’s Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) announced.
The announcement was made in the presence of the minister for internal administration, Constança Urbano de Sousa, after a ceremony to mark the service’s 40 years of existence.
“At the start of next year we shall have a new passport with new security features, but it will not imply any additional cost,” the minister told journalists.

Citizens will only be required to apply for one of the new passports when their current one expires, she said. While the current model of passport is “very secure”, she noted, it was introduced a decade ago - since when there has been what she described as “monumental change” in technology in the field.
During the ceremony the SEF’s national director, Luísa Maia Gonçalves, announced that starting from July, citizens of nine more nationalities will be able to use the RAPID automatic identification system at the country’s frontiers: the US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand.

At present only adult European Union citizens can use these automatic channels. Citizens of the nine countries that will now be eligible are among those that do not need visas to enter Portugal and have “so-called no-risk nationalities”.